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About this PLM

Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Beginning Teachers is a professional learning module (PLM) that supports the growth and development of beginning teachers. The topics reviewed in this PLM include classroom management, collaboration, instructional strategies, and student engagement. The strategies included in this PLM are research-based and support the Beginning Teacher Standards, Professional Teaching Standards, and Beginning Teacher Standards for Science Education.
As you proceed through the PLM, you will have opportunities to consider your current or planned practices in each of the focus areas and select new tools, tips, or tricks that can be applied to your classroom practices.
Introductory Video
Please watch the video below to gain an overview of how to navigate through the Professional Learning Module.
The module will take approximately 5 hours to complete and you will receive 5 credit hours of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) upon completion.
These CEUs may be used toward general or subject-based credit. Please consult with your licensing department on how to utilize them towards your continuing learning credits.
Video Run Time: 5:23
Guided Notes
Please download the Guided Notes using the "download" button below the graphic. Use this resource to reflect on your practice throughout the PLM. After downloading the Guided Notes, save the file, and return to the PLM. Throughout the PLM when you see the lightbulb icon provide your response to the prompt in the Guided Notes. You will upload a link to your completed Guided Notes in the final assessment.

Teachers will gain skills in classroom management best practices.
Teachers will learn collaborative strategies to engage with various stakeholders.
Teachers will establish evidence based instructional strategies to build and strengthen student knowledge and achievement.
Teachers will develop skills and strategies to engage all learners in the instructional setting.
Examine your current classroom management practices.
Explain collaborative learning strategies and effective communication skills used in your classroom.
Determine what evidence based practice to utilize to improve student outcomes.
Demonstrate effective use of student engagement strategies.

In the Guided Notes:
Record one goal and objective you have for participating in this professional learning module.


Click on each icon below to learn about the standards related to this Professional Learning Module. To learn more about the entire Beginning Teacher Standards for Science Education, NC Professional Teaching Standards, and Beginning Teacher Program Support Standards, click on the links below the icons.
In your Guided Notes make note of at least one of the standards you find most applicable to your teaching situation.
Science standards were included in this PLM to promote inquiry-based learning. It is considered an active learning method that has been shown to develop students’ inquiry skills, and for improving their academic performance, engagement, and motivation (Kori, 2021).
Click on the icon below to download and read the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards that relate to this PLM
Click on the link below to read the full North Carolina Professional Teaching Standarards
Click on the Icon below to download and read the Beginning Teacher Program Support Standards for North Carolina that relate to this PLM
Click on the link below to read the full Beginning Teacher Program Support Standards for North Carolina
Click on the Icon below to download and read Beginning Teacher Standards for Science Education that relate to the this PLM (National Science Teachers Association)
Click on the link below to read the full Beginning Teacher Standards for Science Education

Terms of Use
This learning module reflects the STAR Legacy Cycle developed by the IRIS Center (2013; http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu) and based on the work of Dr. John Branford and colleagues (National Research Council, 2000) and in conjunction with Gardner-Webb University.